• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com

Tag Archives: dental sleep medicine training

Now you can add a service to your menu that will literally change people’s lives and make them healthier. Of course, as a dentist you are already doing that, but just imagine if you could take your dental practice one step further with sleep apnea training for dentists.

A New Frontier with Dental Sleep Medicine

Most cosmetic dentistry procedures are already flooding the market with tooth straightening systems, in office whitening and same day dentistry. While all of these treatments are wonderful and will increase dental patient flow, none will bring in an entirely new patient base.

Sleep Apnea Training for Dentists

Unlike some sleep apnea training courses that only provide you with solutions to the problem, DSM Solutions gives you and your team the tools you need to both diagnose and treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. That’s right, you AND your team.

Another problem with other dental sleep medicine courses is that the dentist is the only one who ever learns anything. With DSM Solutions every team member will have hands on instruction so that they can learn everything there is to know about sleep apnea training for dentists.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

OSA is a condition that causes people to wake up because they have stopped breathing. These episodes occur around 30 times every hour. Sadly, OSA causes all sorts of problems and can even lead to more serious health issues. For all there is to know about OSA, check out the DSM Blog.

OSA Training for All Parts of the Puzzle

When you work with the team from DSM Solutions you will get the inside scoop on billing and other paperwork issues that come with offering dental sleep medicine to your patients. Your team will too.

Dental sleep medicine training, just like restorative and cosmetic dentistry changes people’s lives. While you probably already know how much your practice has helped people with teeth and gum issues, it’s time to consider how much dental sleep medicine will help your patients.

Another thing to remember is that you will be attracting a new type of patient. That new patient may be someone who already has a local dentist. However, once that foot is in your door it’s very easy to convert.

Sleep Apnea Training for Dentists

If you would like to learn more about customized dental sleep medicine training programs, call, send a text or a direct message and talk to a team member from DSM Solutions today.



With dental sleep medicine training from DSM Solutions, you can open your practice up to an entirely new group of people. Best of all, not every dentist is providing patients with dental sleep medicine.

Most dental practitioners become dentists because they feel the need to help people. As one of those dentists, you are probably always looking for new ways to do just that.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine Training?

Dental sleep medicine training provides dentists and their teams with all of the tools needed to diagnose and treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. Using less intrusive methods, it helps the patient get a better night’s sleep using solutions such as oral appliance therapy.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Just to refresh your mind, as you will find everything you need to know in the DSM Solutions Blog, obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA is a condition that stops someone from breathing while they are sleeping. Because the back of the throat relaxes, for whatever reason, people gasp for breath waking up and going back to sleep 100s of times every night.

During your training, you will also learn these OSA risk factors and more.

  • Obesity, however not all overweight people have OSA and vice versa
  • Large neck size men 18” or more women 16” or more
  • Family history
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Certain over the counter and prescription medications
  • Diabetes
  • Narrow airways
  • Tonsils and adenoid enlargement
  • High blood pressure
  • Chronic nasal congestion
  • Smoking
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Asthma
  • Being a man

Solutions for OSA

While CPAP therapy is the most common treatment, something else that you will learn in your dental sleep medicine training program, it isn’t the only way to combat OSA.

With CPAP being the most common, surgery is the last resort. Some people report no change a few months after OSA surgery having to go back to CPAP therapy and heavy prescription medications.

Oral appliance therapy on the other hand is an incredible way to help your patients get a good night sleep. Oral appliance therapy devices help keep the airways open and are designed for each patient.

During your DSM solutions training, you will learn how to diagnose, treat, and uncover the best oral appliance device along with other therapies that don’t involve surgery.

Add Value to Your Practice with Dental Sleep Medicine

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep medicine training with DSM Solutions, call, send a text or a direct message to a team member today.


If you have been looking for more ways to help your patients, look no further than dental sleep medicine with DSM Solutions. Adding this service to your toolbox is an incredible way to help your patients and their family members and friends.

Not as Common as You Might Think

Because dental sleep medicine isn’t a common service, you’ll be expanding your patient base. You will also be better known in your community because you are adding something that other dentists don’t offer.

Best of all, you’ll be able to diagnose and treat your patients using oral appliance therapy and other means for people who have, or think they may have, mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

If you follow the DSM Solutions Blog, you will recall that OSA, short for obstructive sleep apnea, is a condition that affects billions of people all over the world. Here in the US millions of people are affected. The sad thing is some aren’t even aware they have OSA.

OSA causes the back of the throat to collapse or relax while sleeping. This makes it impossible for the sufferer to breathe.

Because the person can’t breathe, the brain wakes him or her up so that they can catch a breath. These episodes can occur twenty or thirty times an hour.

People who have OSA also experience the following symptoms:

  • Loud Snoring
  • Witnessed Breathing Cessation
  • Insomnia
  • Problems Staying Awake During the Day
  • Low Libido
  • Moodiness
  • Headaches
  • Dry Mouth

People at Risk

Although there is no certain factor that puts someone in the high-risk category for obstructive sleep apnea, some things make people more susceptible to OSA.

You could have OSA if you are:

  • Obese
  • Male
  • Postmenopausal
  • On Certain Medications
  • Over 65
  • A Heavy Smoker or Drinker

People who still have tonsils and adenoids, including children, and people who have a large neck, men over 18” and women over 16” are in the high-risk category for obstructive sleep apnea.

With dental sleep medicine, training you will be able to identify the signs and symptoms of OSA and learn how to treat the disorder as well.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine Training?

Dental sleep medicine training teaches dentists and team members how to diagnose and treat mild to moderate OSA. The courses offered by DSM Solutions also show dental practices the administrative side.

Customized for Better Solutions

DSM believes that every dental practice is different. In fact, every practice receives a customized dental sleep medicine training package that fits their personality.

Following the in person and online training every member of your team will understand obstructive sleep apnea and how to diagnose and treat it.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training for Everyone

If you have thinking about dental sleep medicine training, or hadn’t even considered it, schedule a consultation with DSM Solutions. It will make a difference to everyone involved.

Call and schedule a consultation today.  




Most practicing dentists became doctors because they wanted to help people. These days it is even easier with all of the new services open to the dental world.

Things like custom made mouth guards for sports and oral appliances for temporormandibular disorders can help everyone. This also includes people who normally wouldn’t be attracted to your dental practice. It’s a new decade and DSM Solutions has taken things one-step further. With dental sleep medicine training you can really help people.

What is DSM Training for OSA?

Dental sleep medicine training teaches dental practices, doctors and the entire team. Everyone will learn how to diagnose and treat mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

OSA or obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that relaxes the back of the throat up to thirty times an hour or hundreds of times a night. Because the throat relaxes, the person can’t breathe waking up abruptly before falling back to a restless sleep.

While there is no one reason people suffer from OSA, people who are overweight, middle aged, post menopausal, men or people with large neck sizes are in the high-risk category. People who have a family history of obstructive sleep apnea, people with tonsils and adenoids, and people who take certain over the counter and prescription medications are also prone to OSA.

How Dental Sleep Medicine Training Works

According to the experts from DSM Solutions, dental sleep training works because the program teaches the whole team, not just the doctor or doctors. The courses are custom made and designed for each practice and include everything you and your team need to diagnose and treat OSA with dental sleep medicine. These hands on training courses even include training for billing and selling.

Dental Sleep Training for Your Dental Practice

If you are considering adding additional services to your menu, call now. Not only Dental sleep training an excellent source of income and an excellent source for new dental flow.

Call and schedule a complimentary consultation with DSM Solutions. Dental sleep medicine training is rewarding and fulfilling. Call or text for more information today.

If you are looking for a new service for your dental practice, contact DSM Solutions. Dental sleep medicine training is an excellent way to help people with solutions that work.

DSM Solutions helps you learn how to treat obstructive sleep apnea and also teaches you how to diagnose OSA. Regardless of practice size or where you are located DSM has the solution. 

What is Dental Sleep Medicine Training?

Dental sleep medicine training from DSM Solutions helps you treat mild to moderate OSA. The programs provide your patients with effective and comfortable solutions for OSA.

OSA is a condition that wakes people up while sleeping. This sometimes-fatal condition is often left untreated and that is where dental sleep medicine comes in.

Customized Solutions 

Customized programs are available to everyone whether you want to add additional solutions to your experienced OSA practice or are ready to start the process and become an OSA and oral appliance therapy provider. Wherever you are in the scheme of things, DSM Solutions has a customized program to suit your dental practice.

DSM offers a customized approach for each dental practice providing you and your team with the specific tools you need to help patients and to help your practice grow.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training for your Practice

Unlike some OSA sleep medicine training programs, DSM provides customized solutions, not a cookie cutter approach. Because each practice is different, each needs its own customized program for the doctor and the team.

DSM Saves Lives

DSM Solutions explains that as many as 25 percent of your patients are suffering from OSA and don’t even know it. Because your patients trust you and listen to you, adding obstructive sleep apnea training to your practice is a smart move.

If you would like to learn more about adding dental sleep medicine to your list of services, call or text and schedule a consultation with a team member from DSM Solutions today.

Dental sleep training is an excellent way to further your expertise to patients, and potential ones. While it’s always great to add new products and services, such as CEREC, adding dental sleep medicine for people with obstructive sleep apnea is helping them in more ways than you know.

Snoring and Dental Sleep Medicine

Snoring affects billions of people all over the globe, but it doesn’t have to. While snoring is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, it isn’t always. Not everyone who snores has OSA and benefits from dental sleep medicine.

Solutions such as oral appliance therapy and other types of dental sleep medicine help reduce snoring and in some cases, stop it all together.

When the dental sleep medicine tools from DSM Solutions, you will be able to help everyone in your patient’s lives get a better night’s sleep.

OSA and DSM Solutions

If you follow the DSM Solutions Blog, you will remember that obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is a potentially deadly condition.

OSA causes a person to wake up abruptly as many as 30 times every 60 minutes because they cannot breathe. However, there are solutions for people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. Best of all, with the tools from DSM Solutions you can diagnose and treat mild to moderate sleep apnea.

What is Dental Sleep Training?

Dental sleep training from DSM Solutions is a customized program that teaches you and your team everything about dental sleep medicine.

From oral appliance therapy to other types of dental sleep medicine, you will be helping your patients breathe easier whether they suffer from obstructive sleep apnea or just want to stop snoring.

Conventional Treatments for OSA

CPAP therapy and surgery used to be the only way patients could get any sleep. A CPAP machine forces the throat open with air. The continuous airway pressure device is hooked to a machine, a tube, and a mask that is worn while sleeping.

As you can imagine a CPAP isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world. In fact, people with OSA often complain that they are uncomfortable and just too cumbersome to use. So much so that they would rather snore and walk up all the time when they are trying to sleep.

Dental Sleep Training for Your Practice

If you would like to learn more about dental sleep training call and talk to DSM Solutions.

You’ll be helping patients and your practice. Call or text and talk to DSM Solutions today.

Adding services to your menu does more than boost your end of year earnings. When you add services to your dental practice, you are also helping your patients.  Adding cosmetic dentistry services is an excellent add on that existing clients will love. But so is dental sleep training.

Think of it this way, what if you added a service that attracted different patients from a different demographic? What if you took additional training courses to provide your patients with a better way to sleep at night? What if you helped people overcome morning headaches and dry mouth?

You can do all of that and more when you take the plunge and become licensed to diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea with dental sleep training from DSM Solutions.

DSM Solutions for Dental Sleep Training

DSM Solutions is your one stop shop for dental sleep medicine training. You can diagnose your current patient list or new patients who would have never scheduled an appointment. Those are the patients you would never have if you didn’t offer oral appliance therapy and other treatments.

Dental Sleep Training from the Experts

When you sign up for customized dental sleep training from DSM Solutions you will have all the tools you and your team need to diagnose and treat apnea. In the past, the only solution was CPAP therapy and surgery. Thankfully, dental sleep medicine for OSA has changed all of that.

What You’ll Get from DSM Solutions

DSM Solutions offers your entire team virtual and in person training for dental sleep medicine. With customized solutions that include billing, you will be amazed at how many people you will help when you add dental medicine to your list of services.

Dental Sleep Course Covering All Bases

DSM Solutions does more than show you how to custom make an oral appliance. The team from DSM also shows you how to diagnose using the latest OSA diagnostic equipment available. You and your team will also learn how to titrate oral appliances and how to advertise your new service to increase dental flow.

It’s All About Teamwork

It takes a team to implement a new service into a dental practice, especially dental sleep medicine. Every single person who works on your team will have access to the tools from DSM Solutions.

Best of all, everyone on the team will understand diagnosis, treatment and billing, not just the doctor. Because DSM Solutions has built the best relationships in the business with top diagnostic tool distributors, you, your practice, and your patients will reap the rewards as well.

Make a Change for Your Patients and Your Practice

You can change someone’s life and the life of your practice with dental medicine. Call or text and schedule a no obligation consultation with DSM Solutions today.

Dental sleep medicine is just as rewarding for you as it is for the patient. Contact DSM Solutions for more information regarding dental sleep training today.