• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com


Meridian PM: A Modern Age Sleep Apnea Treatment

New Treatment for Sleep Apnea and Snoring

The CFDSM has recently been backed with full clearance in its efforts to treat obstructive sleep apnea through its new device, the Meridian PM. Unlike traditional appliances, the Meridian PM does not alter the patient’s bite as much when they are asleep, keeping the lower jaw in place and positioning the tongue near the front of the mouth to open up the airways. Now, patients who have had numerous forms of obstructive sleep disorders can begin to find much better relief for this potentially harmful condition.

Dr. Steven Greenman and his top-notch DSM Solutions team – Call Today!

For more sleep apnea instruction to augment your practice, consult Dr. Steven Greenman. We at DSM Sleep Solutions provide effective sleep apnea dentistry consultation that you can count on to expand the breadth of your practice and allow you to provide the best treatment to your patients. Call our Westlake Village, CA location today to get started.