• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com


Dental Sleep Medicine Training is Amazing

If you are looking for a way to increase your patient flow talk to DSM Solutions. The team from DSM Solutions offers dental sleep medicine training to dentists just like you.

DSMT is fairly new and something most dentists probably haven’t heard of. Consequently, it’s excellent for your dental practice.

Used to help people who snore and to diagnose and treat people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, dental sleep medicine really works and is much less invasive than other types of treatments used for OSA.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring

While snoring is a sign of OSA, a condition that causes a person to stop breathing while sleeping, people who snore don’t always have obstructive sleep apnea.

This and other tools for OSA diagnosis are just a few of the things you will learn when you work with DSM Solutions.

Dental Sleep Medicine Training

If you have considered offering dental sleep medicine training but were turned off by what you found online, check out DSM Solutions.

The best dental sleep medicine training company on the planet offers sleep apnea solutions for dentists and dental teams, not just the dentist. Everyone will learn everything there is to know about diagnosing and treating mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

What is Dental Sleep Medicine Training?

According to the highly qualified team from DSM Solutions, dental sleep medicine training is designed to help patients, and potential ones, combat obstructive sleep apnea. While there is no cure, people with OSA see relief using oral appliance therapy along with other types of solutions that don’t include surgery.

DSM Solutions explains that surgery is a solution for obstructive sleep apnea. However, it is only a last resort. There are other treatments and techniques that work wonders for OSA.

CPAP Therapy for OSA

Most people have heard of CPAP therapy. If you haven’t it is the most common solution for obstructive sleep apnea.

CPAP therapy uses a hose that is connected to a machine. That hose is also connected to a mask that you keep on your mouth and nose throughout the night. CPAP therapy forces air through the airways keeping them open. This allows people with OSA to breathe freely without gasping for breath.

As you can imagine it does take some getting used to. Sadly, some people with OSA never get used to CPAP therapy and stop using the machine.

Dental Sleep Medicine Works

Dental sleep medicine works and is the gentle way to help people who suffer from OSA. Adding it to your list of dental services helps you help more people. Isn’t that why you became a dentist in the first place?

Call DSM Solutions for more information today.






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