• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com


Adenoids and Tonsils in Children

Adenoids and tonsils are located right behind the nose. Together, they form part of the lymphatic system which is responsible for clearing away infections and maintaining body fluid balance.

Dr. Nicole Greenman of DSM Solutions advises that if you notice inflamed tonsils coupled with swollen glands in young patients, they may be red flags that the child has an obstructive sleep disorder.

Swollen or Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids

Enlarged tonsil and adenoids should be taken seriously, because they increase risks of breathing-related sleep disorders.

Watch Out For the Symptoms

Due to swollen adenoids, a child’s air pathways may be obstructed causing them to breathe through their mouth at night. Untreated breathing-related sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring have the potential of negatively impacting a child’s health and development

Other diseases and disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, poor growth and development, and risks of developing cardiovascular disease have been attributed to childhood sleep disorders, as documented in reputable medical journals.

Prompt diagnosis by a well-trained sleep apnea dentist after recognizing red flags such as inflamed tonsils, swollen glands, and teeth grinding is vital for reversing and preventing long-term damage associated with airways obstruction in children.