• 1240 S. Westlake Blvd. Ste. 101, Westlake Village, CA
  • (818) 561-6715
  • info@dentalsleepapneatraining.com


Grow your Practice with DSM Solutions

DSM Solutions can help you grow your practice with tried and true programs that are custom made for your dental practice.

Unlike other companies that teach this type of thing DSM Solutions offers instruction to your entire team, not just the doctor in charge. When you work with the experts everyone else is as well.

Dental Sleep Medicine

DSM Solutions offers dental sleep medicine training that includes everything you need to help your practice and your patients.

Furthermore, you will be attracting an entire new customer base as dental sleep medicine is for those who snore and people who suffer from sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea.

For example, some of the people who come to you for dental sleep medicine probably already have a dental care provider. If they do, that’s okay, but it also gives you the opportunity to sell your other dental products and services.

DSM Solutions Programs

The team from DSM Solutions has been helping dental practices just like yours enjoy the benefits of dental sleep medicine.

With custom made training programs that are made for your practice and only your practice, you can take things to an entirely different level. Best of all, the team will love getting involved as well.

Billing for Dental Sleep Medicine

While there are dozens of reasons to work with DSM Solutions an important one is billing. The team teaches you and your team how to properly bill your patients for dental sleep medicine. This is especially important when it comes to certain types of insurance.

In addition, DSM Solutions teaches you and your team how to diagnose sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea. This is vital if you want to treat patients with oral appliance therapy and other types of dental sleep medicine.

From the Beginning

When you become a client you won’t have to worry about being abandoned after your course is completed.

The team is always just a phone call away. This will help you get through any problems that might occur. You won’t have an issues settling in with dental sleep medicine for your dental practice. You’ll love the camaraderie you’ll receive when you become a client.

Try DSM Solutions You’ll Like it

If you would like to learn more about customized dental sleep medicine training programs call or send a text.

DSM Solutions has the experience to help you and your team add an additional service to your practice. Call or send a direct message today.



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